Well, hello all you witches and ghosties and long-leggedy beasties (especially the ones that go ‘bump’ in the night… : )
Today is Halloween. Second day of Samhain, and a gorgeous, warm Indian Summer day.
My punkin’ was a hit. X? said it is “the coolest pumpkin in the history of the universe, ever.” I knew that already, but it’s nice to get a sound second opinion. I carved the Crimson Ghost, which is the logo for the Misfits* that came from a 1946 b&w serial (Crimson Ghost really was a VERY cool villain!).
Speaking of pumpkins… Sallie made me a whole pumpkin pie, all for my very own!!!
Woohoo! I will share it, but only with Lu, Wetrats and Mr. X?. Unless YOU come to visit, then I will share with you too. But hurry. It smells reaaaallllly good.
Tomorrow night, I was ‘posed to go and have ladies night with the girls, but there is something else I reaaaaalllly wanna do… am calling and asking for permission to be off the hook now…
I think it’s ok! The thing is, NOSFERATU (!!! – as well as another silent film, Buster Keaton, Haunted House) is showing at ‘Isotermic’, and they are having live music to go with the film and, and, and… I think the girls are gonna let me go! Yay!
I don’t want them – or anybody – to think I’ve gone all ‘boy crazy’… wait. What in the hell am I saying?! Ok, I don’t want them to think I’ve gone all crazy over one specific, real (non-Vin/Jet/Benicio/Johnny/etc…) boy. ‘Cause that would be weird. Ew. : )
Oh wow! All the trick-or-treaters are coming in! the best so far is this pair of girls, one tall and super-slim, one short and stocky/busty (like me!) and they are dressed as a Pop Star and her Sugar Daddy!!! The pop star girl is in tights, plastic and pipe-wrapping with a nose ring and braids, and the sugar daddy has on a bowler, painted on goatee and moustache, tie, tuxedo shirt and suit trousers! Hee-yuhl yee-uh!
In 30 minutes, I get to go to the big town bash and read skewwwwwwy stories to the kids. I have my witch hat… and some good stories (King of the Cats!) picked out… weeee-eee-eeeoooooo!
Then, tonight, home, for meditation on The Reason for The Season, and to bed early – JEEZ, I NEED SOME SLEEP! - for work tomorrow.
Life is sweet. Pain was bad today, bad bad. But I am finding it easier to distract myself from it for some strange reason… : ) Mr. Nice Guy has been veryvery nice to me, extra special nice, and I am amazed at each new surprise, finding out who he really is, enjoying his company and his truly amazing personality (Levelheaded AND fun? Thoughtful AND spicy? Dead sexy AND dresses like me*? Oh wait, that one’s a given… : ) Neither of us have had this much fun in a while – way, way too long. He appreciates my strengths (unlike some boys, who just seem !@#$ terrified of me) and that makes me feel like exercising them – he gets all of my most obscure jokes, and he’s badass on the lego field, too! Sallie (who has been his friend MUCH longer than I have) said “Y’know, you two are perfect for each other… you both seem to be exactly what the other one needed right now. Yay!” Yeah. Yay!
So, that’s what’s happening in the life of Sam today.
I will do my best to keep the news good. Terry says that World Peace depends on it…***
Much love, and as much skwoosh and moo and “BLAH!” as you can stand,
-miss sam
*”Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Glennnnnnnn…!!!”
**We actually met up to go out on Wednesday night dressed in little matching outfits – completely color coordinated, and in our iguana hides! Moo? Ew? Who cares? WHEEE!
***don’t ask.
Friday, October 31, 2003
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
hello, lovelies.
i am just stopping in to say please don't think i've run off to begin my vin-stalking adventure if you don't hear from me much in the next week.
the (AUGH!) state library is hosting three days of workshops next week and the STATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR (AAUUGGHH!) will be here, not to mention my boss, et. al, so the library has to be in tip-top, spankin' shiny shape. sallie and i (well, mostly sallie) are also taking care of the lunches and snacks for breaks (well, arranging catering and setting up, but still...) SO IT WILL BE CRAZY! am already crazy, but have sallie for help and moral support and comforting-adult-woman-who-still-remembers-that-she-and-all-the-rest-of-us-are-just-girls-words for all the behind the scenes ridiculousness (sheesh.)
in REAL, IMPORTANT, REAL-LIFE (stuff that REALLY matters) news:
spent evening with andi and aeryn, held aeryn for HOURS, offered andi same support that sallie gives me, told her that i would try to be more on the scene, now that i know she needs me.
aeryn let me play with her little helpless shell-less turtle self for a while, and then i held her while andi cooked, and she fell asleep on my shoulder. i put her in her crib and andi actually got to eat with both hands for a little while. andi is brave. they will be fine. i might need to have a little tete-a-tete with brian before all is said and done, but so-far, so-good. am trying to see all perspectives - and so is andi. i am lucky to be an aunt, all things considered.
hold fast, peoples.
i will sneak in and update when i can.
much love, and PEACE OF MIND,
-miss sam
i am just stopping in to say please don't think i've run off to begin my vin-stalking adventure if you don't hear from me much in the next week.
the (AUGH!) state library is hosting three days of workshops next week and the STATE LIBRARY DIRECTOR (AAUUGGHH!) will be here, not to mention my boss, et. al, so the library has to be in tip-top, spankin' shiny shape. sallie and i (well, mostly sallie) are also taking care of the lunches and snacks for breaks (well, arranging catering and setting up, but still...) SO IT WILL BE CRAZY! am already crazy, but have sallie for help and moral support and comforting-adult-woman-who-still-remembers-that-she-and-all-the-rest-of-us-are-just-girls-words for all the behind the scenes ridiculousness (sheesh.)
in REAL, IMPORTANT, REAL-LIFE (stuff that REALLY matters) news:
spent evening with andi and aeryn, held aeryn for HOURS, offered andi same support that sallie gives me, told her that i would try to be more on the scene, now that i know she needs me.
aeryn let me play with her little helpless shell-less turtle self for a while, and then i held her while andi cooked, and she fell asleep on my shoulder. i put her in her crib and andi actually got to eat with both hands for a little while. andi is brave. they will be fine. i might need to have a little tete-a-tete with brian before all is said and done, but so-far, so-good. am trying to see all perspectives - and so is andi. i am lucky to be an aunt, all things considered.
hold fast, peoples.
i will sneak in and update when i can.
much love, and PEACE OF MIND,
-miss sam