Hey everybody.
I’m so sorry that I’ve been slack here. I have been feeling so bad. Yesterday was the worst day I’ve had in a long time. I was pretty much paralyzed by a migraine and spent the day either flat on my back in the dark living room (on the couch, under my wonderful electric throw and Charlyn’s quilt and George) or “worshipping at the porcelain altar”. Needless to say, there was no chance of keeping any pain meds down. I was so weak that I could barely walk, and trembling so badly that I couldn’t do anything else. No reading, no drawing, no beading. It was a bad day. Thank goddess for sweet Christopher, who came home and took care of me all day. We watched quiet movies all day. I slept a lot, both yesterday and last night (though I slept almost none the night before), and this morning I woke up feeling better, though I feel the migraine knocking on the inside of my skull again right now. If I put my fingers to my temples I can feel the blood pounding there. It’s pretty bloody miserable. Maybe it’s the new meds… maybe it’s my sinuses again… maybe it’s the allergies, or even all of the above. I just know it’s miserable trying to sit upright at my desk and answer phone calls and questions while the light and every single sound (computer keys clicking) is a nail in my head. It’s going to be a long day.
To quote Granny Weatherwax (after whom my trusty truck is named) – “I ATEN’T DED.” I’m just wishing I was, at least temporarily.
Much love and ginger hugs (shhh!)-s