Ok, now I'm obsessed...
Let's try to get this !@#$ ad banner changed. !@#$ Creep-@$$ f---ies... EW!!!
So, I've discovered that it's not just about what you type, but about what you search, I think. (I tried to read the instructions on the Google ad site, but y'all know me... ) I'm going to try a new tack, though, so here goes. I hope y'all like Chinese art.
This is definitely a subject that I care about deeply. I like the paintings, the style, the colors and designs, the landscapes, the architecture, the ancient philosophies, the clothes, the calligraphy - the art of China, altogether. The art of the people and the nation. Ooh, here's the infamous photo of the Great Wall taken from space, even!
We'll see what happens.
In completely unrelated news, this german girl (at least, I think it's a girl...) has some very nice wallpaper here, and some supremo fabuloso muy excellente taste in MEAT*! um, I mean, MEN. Just googling, um... random images, y'know... fyi and all.
ok. Let's try this test AGAIN.
And folks, I promise a real blog soon.
Much love (and a sizeable chunka' pain - the FMS decided to remind me that it hasn't gone away...)
*ooh, speaking of, here's a sweet site!
p.s. in my google explorations this evening, i came across an interesting site. it's got all my favorite guys, a guy does the site, it's all about hot guys, and it's called "It's Raining Feet" dot com.... hm.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Well, of course I have buckets o' stories to tell about Cali and Lake Tahoe and being with my brothers and sis-in-law, but it's going to have to wait until I have more than ten minutes to type. I did want to take my few spare moments to try a little experiment, though.
Ursi and Wetrats pointed out that the content of my Blog determines what is posted in my ad banners up there ^. Because I wrote about those odd f---y people in blog-before last, and then mentioned j&e's f---y babies, it posted notices about f---y cons. EW! I've never even paid attention to that before!
So, here goes (warning, you are now entering the "Experimental Zone*"):
HOW 'BOUT THAT HOT VIN DIESEL! MM! Wow, Vin Diesel just rocks! I mean, I love all those HOT ACTION HEROES - especially the ones that really have some talent and skills - like JET LI and DONNIE YEN, but basically any guy that looks good in a slightly shredded wife-beater** with an attractively soot-smudged face, a gun bigger than ME, some cheesy one-liners and a *ding* colgate grin can get my attention. Yes, that means BRUCE WILLIS, MEL GIBSON, THE ROCK, RUTGER HAUER, HARRI FORD, etc***. But Vin just holds a special place in my, um, heart. Maybe it's the D&D... maybe it's the "extreme sports" lips, maybe it's the 'guns' that look like tropical tree trunks, or the whole IRON GIANT thing... but for whatever reason, he's the teacher's pet. So, huzzah for all the ACTION HEROES! These lads that make my heart skip a beat, get my palms all sweaty and liven up my Saturday nights. But three cheers for mr. VIN DIESEL. He's no Jet or Bruce - amazing men whose talents and skills place FAR them above and beyond mere mortals (like my lovely, most-certainly-descended-from-apes VIN), but what he is is REAL. 'Bald spot shining through the kinky fuzz on his shaved head, bad habits (he smokes. ew.), mysterious sex-life, strange stage-name, early skinny be-afroed break-dance online video clips, penchant for playing drows more than the orcish breed, and so on. Vin, I love you, thermal underwear and all.
(watch the banners folks... let's see what happens. If nothing else, at least we'll get rid of those scary f---y con ads! EeeeEeeEEEWWWwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
*ew! imagine the scary ads I could get 'causa THIS phrase!!!
**oh god, now I am gonna' get anti domestic abuse banners.
***yes, even ole' Arnie, back in the day - but NOT Steven "I am the stupidest action star EVER" Segal or JeanClawed VanDarn. ew.
Ursi and Wetrats pointed out that the content of my Blog determines what is posted in my ad banners up there ^. Because I wrote about those odd f---y people in blog-before last, and then mentioned j&e's f---y babies, it posted notices about f---y cons. EW! I've never even paid attention to that before!
So, here goes (warning, you are now entering the "Experimental Zone*"):
HOW 'BOUT THAT HOT VIN DIESEL! MM! Wow, Vin Diesel just rocks! I mean, I love all those HOT ACTION HEROES - especially the ones that really have some talent and skills - like JET LI and DONNIE YEN, but basically any guy that looks good in a slightly shredded wife-beater** with an attractively soot-smudged face, a gun bigger than ME, some cheesy one-liners and a *ding* colgate grin can get my attention. Yes, that means BRUCE WILLIS, MEL GIBSON, THE ROCK, RUTGER HAUER, HARRI FORD, etc***. But Vin just holds a special place in my, um, heart. Maybe it's the D&D... maybe it's the "extreme sports" lips, maybe it's the 'guns' that look like tropical tree trunks, or the whole IRON GIANT thing... but for whatever reason, he's the teacher's pet. So, huzzah for all the ACTION HEROES! These lads that make my heart skip a beat, get my palms all sweaty and liven up my Saturday nights. But three cheers for mr. VIN DIESEL. He's no Jet or Bruce - amazing men whose talents and skills place FAR them above and beyond mere mortals (like my lovely, most-certainly-descended-from-apes VIN), but what he is is REAL. 'Bald spot shining through the kinky fuzz on his shaved head, bad habits (he smokes. ew.), mysterious sex-life, strange stage-name, early skinny be-afroed break-dance online video clips, penchant for playing drows more than the orcish breed, and so on. Vin, I love you, thermal underwear and all.
(watch the banners folks... let's see what happens. If nothing else, at least we'll get rid of those scary f---y con ads! EeeeEeeEEEWWWwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
*ew! imagine the scary ads I could get 'causa THIS phrase!!!
**oh god, now I am gonna' get anti domestic abuse banners.
***yes, even ole' Arnie, back in the day - but NOT Steven "I am the stupidest action star EVER" Segal or JeanClawed VanDarn. ew.