Happy Birthday, Hypo Luxa!
Warning: the contents of this particular blog are only for very depraved and naughty individuals - especially those celebrating their birthday today! ;)
I hope you enjoy your prezzie, dear! I am in all of these pics (yes, even the one I like to call "Oops, How'd That Get In Here?" - that's my little hand there on the left. I'd just been knocked to the floor by a drunkiehumpling girlfriend and took the opportunity - camera always in hand - as I found it! :), and our dear Andalouse is in a couple of them too. These are from last years' Dragon Con, and yes, we were Reform School Fairies! ;D
I got up early this a.m. so you could begin your day/week/weekend of birthday-ness in the spirit of girls in vinyl dresses and black-tattered-pierced wings with tattoos, garter belts, black eyes and big, um, GRINS. Oh and people who like you, despite the fact that that they think you are a figment of their imagination. ;D
Have a good one, darlin'!
Much love (and more blue messages),
Much love (and more blue messages),