Thursday, December 11, 2003

well, i did get some new tires. two, for esmes front "feets". i got them for exactly 100.00, too. Yay, me and Esme!
In other happy news - the pianist for MAKTUB signed my guestbook! EEEEEEEE!!!!!
They are SUCH a good band. Do yourself a favor and go to this page and listen to "Just Like Murder". that's the tune that hooked me, and I promise it'll hook you, too, but i tell you, the whole album is gold, and the band members are OBVIOUSLY nice guys (thanks for writing, Daniel! who rocks? you do! :D)
well, i don't know if i told y'all, my painting sold 403$ worth of tickets. but for those of you who are sad that you didn't win it - the go-ahead has been given for making NOTECARDS and POSTERS!!! yay, me!!! on top of that, the sweet lady who won the painting* has decided to donate it back to the library for the children's area in the new building!
also, i got a nice xmas bonus (back shoes and new ball joints for esme!), and i think my raise begins in january. this is a good thing, as i still have no propane, and it is getting cooooooold.
i'm happy to have all this good news. the only bad news is that i am in an unbelievable amount of pain again, and i was not nice to my veryvery sweet boyfriend this morning, and i feel really bad about it. i have apologized a million times - even after he accepted my apology the first time, but i think it's what's at the root of it all, (maybe even the pain, or at least some of it) that's really bothering me.
All in all, besides being broke and swamped and chrismussed-to-death**, things are alright.
i like alright.
take care loves,
-miss sam

*one of our volunteers. she lent one of our patrons a dollar for a ticket, and when the patron repaid her, gigi told her that she should use the dollar to buy a ticket, so she did, and she won! then the nice lady she'd lent the $ to decided to make a quilt for the f.o.t.l. to raffle, too! :)
**this is, as nanny ogg would say, a double intender, and not always a bad thing. :)