A friend who, unfortunately I mostly only have e-contact with asked for a catch-up of what's been going on with me since my last spate o' blogs. I managed to sum it up in a fairly brief essay :) which I will now share with the lot o' ye, slightly edited/extended for the public viewing.
God I'm tired. :)
I'm working 5 part time jobs right now trying to make it possible for both of us to get our own businesses off the ground. I still work for the Wildflour bakery one day a week [more than 2 years now. Thank Goddess for my WildFamily!]. I have a regular nanny job in the summers [keeping Skye and Ari - woot! Art lessons, rehearsals, hang-outs - these girls are down!], and I also do special traveling nanny jobs [I am going to New York* with Elsa next week!].
I started working part-time for UNC Chapel Hill in conjunction with the Council-On-Aging in Hendersonville, up to 20 hours a week (but usually less) [helping make the walking routes in Hendersonville nicer for everyone, but specifically with the elderly in mind.], and I am still keeping the gallery running, doing my art and helping Chris - not to mention VOLUNTEERING to do the kids' plays and other TLT stuff... Yes, I'm a crazy person, but I love all of it. It's all ART or helping people. If I'm real lucky, sometimes it's BOTH! Like the plays. We're doing "The Little Prince" right now. Tonight was opening night! I'm the only "adult" :D in a cast of 35 8-12 year olds. I never appear on stage. I play the Sketch Artist and I sit on a platform above and behind the stage and do live drawing on the "sky". I also did some of the makeup design and application.
Chris is trying to get his videography business off the ground. He's been getting a lot of work from TLT, recording their plays (another up-side to my volunteering!), and the high school and county have both hired him to do some stuff, starting next month. (He's going to need a site pretty soon, too - and he's better at keeping up with his !#$% than I am, too! :D ) He also gets calls from anyone who's filming in the area from other places like LA, NY and the coast. When they come here, they call the local producers and ask for names of reliable local workers and he gets recommended every time. He worked on George Clooney's movie here! (needless to say all the ladies were QUITE excited by that... except me, of course. HA! :) We just did the 48Hour Film project again, too. We had an art auction to raise the $ to do it. It was crazy - but it worked. As soon as we get it up on YouTube, I'll send you the link. We also have a show on cable access in Asheville, called "Videobot". It's a short-film show hosted by toy robots who work in a tv station that I built out of Legos. They're supposed be showing "regularly scheduled programming", but instead they sneak and show the movies they like - which are submitted to us from all over the country. It's funny and silly, and the short films are great. It's all volunteer time, but we've done 11 episodes so far, and won an award. We're YouTubing it soon too, I hope. If not, I'll just send you a DVD. You'll love it, you'll laugh, and it's 99% family friendly! :DSo that's MOSTLY what we're up to. We moved again (after 8 years in the same house - once in Nov., then again in March), and we hope we stay here at least another 8 years. The house is on the river, in the only really flat place in Polk Co. We're renting from my best girl-friends' dad, so the rent $ [which is definitely fair for the space/location AND i have a workshop now!] - and whatever else we do to the property (we've planted gardens!) is going back into the family. Yay, us! We needed some upswing after last fall!
Chris is trying to get his videography business off the ground. He's been getting a lot of work from TLT, recording their plays (another up-side to my volunteering!), and the high school and county have both hired him to do some stuff, starting next month. (He's going to need a site pretty soon, too - and he's better at keeping up with his !#$% than I am, too! :D ) He also gets calls from anyone who's filming in the area from other places like LA, NY and the coast. When they come here, they call the local producers and ask for names of reliable local workers and he gets recommended every time. He worked on George Clooney's movie here! (needless to say all the ladies were QUITE excited by that... except me, of course. HA! :) We just did the 48Hour Film project again, too. We had an art auction to raise the $ to do it. It was crazy - but it worked. As soon as we get it up on YouTube, I'll send you the link. We also have a show on cable access in Asheville, called "Videobot". It's a short-film show hosted by toy robots who work in a tv station that I built out of Legos. They're supposed be showing "regularly scheduled programming", but instead they sneak and show the movies they like - which are submitted to us from all over the country. It's funny and silly, and the short films are great. It's all volunteer time, but we've done 11 episodes so far, and won an award. We're YouTubing it soon too, I hope. If not, I'll just send you a DVD. You'll love it, you'll laugh, and it's 99% family friendly! :DSo that's MOSTLY what we're up to. We moved again (after 8 years in the same house - once in Nov., then again in March), and we hope we stay here at least another 8 years. The house is on the river, in the only really flat place in Polk Co. We're renting from my best girl-friends' dad, so the rent $ [which is definitely fair for the space/location AND i have a workshop now!] - and whatever else we do to the property (we've planted gardens!) is going back into the family. Yay, us! We needed some upswing after last fall!
Oh, and we got married!
More later!
More later!
Much love,
*We are side-tripping to Hershey Park, an upstate Renaissance festival, and Niagara Falls/Canada! :D