america by sl lovelace
Happy Anti-Valentine’s Day, CG. (I posted the whole thing, along with your KoL valentine, on my LJ page. I thought the geeks would enjoy it. There's also a nice link to some Star Wars valentineage... ;)
I wrote “We should show our love and appreciation EVERY day and not just on Feb. 14” on the vans’ back window this morning. Hee. Someone said it was the holiday specifically meant to make geeks feel even worse, and I’ve discovered a new level of valentine’s day suck – if you're seeing someone, and are any kind of a decent person, you feel bad for your single friends trying to maneuver their way through this ridiculous marketing scam-day too. Then there’s the whole pressure to spend and do if you are seeing someone. !#$% that. Chris used the “holiday” as an excuse to buy me a watch that I needed (under 20$) and I used it as an excuse to buy him the office supplies that he needed. Stuff we had to buy, anyway. I also did him a piece of art, which I will share with you as well. :) heheheh. I like the idea of a day really celebrating love, but why just romantic love? And because it’s romantic love, there’s all the stupid, formulaic present crap too. !#$%^&* it to !#$%!
What really sucks is that I LOVE the decorations/functions/clothes for this crap-ass bull$#*! holiday, of course I do! Hearts, lace, sparklies, flowers, ribbons, chocolate, red, pink, black, satin, velvet, lingerie, dances, whee! – ‘Pie Heaven! So I think that we should do two things. On Feb. 14, we should try to start a revolution and take the romantic strictures out of V-Day. We should celebrate Love day, love your whatever, mom, car, dog, self, girls called "Susie-Q" - all of the above, just celebrate Love, in whatever way (hopefully NOT supporting The Industry – if you want to go traditional, pick flowers, make a card, cook dinner – if you feel you have to buy, buy handmade and local...) - you see fit. Not everybody has a boy/girlfriend, but everybody has some love. This would be a good day to remind each other of that. If you think you don’t have any love go look for some other people – or creatures who might feel the same way. That will make them feel loved, and they’ll love you for it.
The OTHER thing we need to do – and this will help ze revolution – we should move the décor/lingerie/chocolate side of this stupid-ass-money-making-for-the-!@#$-flowercardcandycrap-corporation-so-called “holiday”* (I got your treats at a local $tree knockoff store, and some of it – like the ribbon, was leftover xmas! Yay!) TO MY BIRTHDAY – and the birthday of anyone who wants a champagne, chocolate-dipped strawberry (ok, in your case, hazelnut...), spa/facial/manicure, new lingerie, velvet, ribbons, hearts, flowers, dress-up, get sparkly, go out, go dance, go see a movie -etc. birthday! (Wow, wouldn’t it be cool to have a friend who’s birthday came on Love Day?**)
Happy Love Day. For what it’s worth, I love you. (to blogdom: well, most of you. Some of you are just gonna’ have to wait ‘til your birthday.)
Much love,
*which, as someone else pointed out to me today, you don’t even get off work...
**HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WetRats! Now there’s a guy who needs a “spa day” and some chocolate*** if I ever saw one.
***not to mention his own birthday footnote.