Blogging from a different place...
Today has been another one of those days that proves to me that there really is something to quantum physics. So many weird things that could only be explained by the fact that my particular reality is influenced by my thoughts - or particular ability to BELIEVE. You can call it vanity, or even insanity, but I know that it’s just perception. Lately, it seems that I have more of those kinds of days than any others. Yay me! Maybe I’m getting closer, each day, to waking up.
This morning I saw the #1 WORST hair salon name so far. It’s not even a bad pun** - it’s just
"Hair Den". Eew.
I also saw hundreds and hundreds of some pretty birds in the fields along Scriven road, in the valley. They were on the ground, and as I passed, they flew up, past Esme’s windshield, into the trees on the left side of the road. The ones who stayed stood stone still in the winter grass, looking almost like little penguin statues. I parked and got out to try to identify them, and as I walked along the fence row, they broke their freeze-tag poses and flew over my head. They looked a little like robins, but their breasts were rustier, their heads were smaller and their heads and backs were much darker and glossier than a robins’, and they had bright white flashes under tail and wings. They looked like very proper little English gentlemen in russet "wescots", tux and tails.
Any time I see birds - especially in large numbers - I go off on a contemplative tangent. It’s like the moon - it always means something to me, and it always feels like a gift from the Universe. After that, just as I was about to leave my beloved backroad and enter "highway-land", I looked up, above the cemetery where my friends and old neighbors William and Osa are buried, and saw a swooping flock of my beloved starlings. Now that's a strange sight on a cold day like today. I was still considering the "general omenry"*** of that sighting, when I walked into the Dollar General and heard "Meatloaf" playing over the store speakers. This is odd because a.) I don’t think I’ve EVER heard "Meatloaf" as muzak, and b.) I JUST borrowed "Bat Out of Hell" from Stewart because X had never heard "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". He heard me singing this the other day and had a hard time believing that it was a real song. Who could blame him? I also borrowed "School Daze", ‘cause he had the same question when he heard me singing "...Luna’ got a big-ole’ butt, oh yeah! George’ got a big-ole’ butt, oh yeah!" a few days ago.
Next, I stopped in for my free Tuesday cuppa at the old Amoco, and "Blinded by the Light" was playing. Not so weird - unless you know a few odd facts: I love that song. ‘Have since I was about 12. I didn’t even know that Bruce Springsteen did the original until Stewart told me a while back. I also love Bruce****, so I was curious. I’d never heard the song, didn’t even know it existed (and I remember songs almost better than anything else...) Until Stewart told me, and here it is, playing at the Amoco. Cool. I also saw in the papers that the !#$% Landrum po-lice
are having all sorts of troubles. Oh darn! Apparently it has gotten so bad, with people coming forth about all kinds of quackery - including officers ratting out OTHER officers (WOOO!!!), that they are now down to THREE uniformed officers. MUWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!
- For those of you who don’t know, I was arrested and put through a night (and then ensuing WEEKS) of horrible misery by this bunch of greedy morons. I was originally taken to jail for STEALING MY OWN !#$% TRUCK.
I know it’s wrong to revel in the misery of others, but in this one case, I feel I’ve earned the right.
!#$% the !#$%-!&*^%$! LANDRUM PO-LICE!
In other news, George has completely recovered from his little surgery. By that evening, he was already tearing stuff up again. He seems relatively unchanged by the removal of his... bits. The only seeming difference is that he is much more affectionate, and has developed a new way of letting you know that he wants to be petted. First he nudges your hand, tries to get his head under it. Then, if you ignore that, he bites down on it. Not too hard, but it’s a clear message. The first night he did this, I was trying to sleep, and when I ignored his little volley of hand-bites, he bit me on the cheek. Otherwise, the little weasel is unchanged. This is, overall, a good thing, but I can’t WAIT ‘til he’ll be able to go outside.
In other news, I did get my 30 days of med-leave from work (UN-paid. Grr.) . I am to use the time to try to get my immune-system bolstered and to clean and organize Casa de Luna, so that I can reduce the dust as much as possible. I have a pretty busy month planned. I have only been off two days (and sick with some upper-respiratory junk that all the kids have had), but I have already made some good headway on the house. We got Grover to come get the spare bed* and I am turning that front bedroom into a work/storage room. All of my tubs (full of books and art supplies, mainly) will be stacked in there, and all my sewing & beading stuff will go in there. The dining room table (which I’ve always used as an art table) will go in there to hold my sewing machine, and to bead on, and my drawing table and a tabouret will go in the dining room. X and I eat on tv trays or on the porch anyway, so if we have company, we’ll just pull the dining table out of the "work room". I’ve washed all the linens - our bed, spare bed, luna bed - towels and rugs, cleaned the fridge, grocery shopped, and X and I cleaned an rearranged the spare room to make room for the max number of tubs and the table. Weeee!
I have a lot planned, both work- and fun-wise. I have set aside days to bead, to visit and/or help friends with a few projects, to adventure, draw, clean, etc. I have a cooking schedule, and an exercise schedule. I’ll actually have to pay attention to the weather reports, ‘cause I’ll need to know if I’m going to have an inside or outside exercise day. Words really can’t explain how happy I am to be out of the toxic fishbowl for a month - paid or un. I’ll be using up all my leave, sick AND vacation, but the bills are covered, and Chris paid for gas and groceries, so we’ll be ok. Hopefully I’ll have enough jewelry and art by the end of the month (not counting the commissions I’ve taken on), to make up for the loss of income. It’s worth WHATEVER to be able to see the birds in the daylight, walk with Luna, and get my house clean. One of my goals this month is to walk the length of River Road. Another is to see all my nearest/dearest girlies.
(Yes, Andi, Buffy, Carol, Erin, Heather, Jen, Liz, Sarah - this means YOU.) I have a couple of lunch and dinner dates planned as well, and I am scheduling at least one evening of Canastaphe with Peggy. YAAAAY, ME!!!!!!!!!!
Please call me and set us some play/work time, ok? Take advantage of "rent-a-sam" days while you can!!!
I’ll only have access to a pc occasionally. Sarah is sweet enough to let me borrow her house while she’s at The Coal-Mines. (Hey Sarah... I’M IN YOUR HOU-OOUUUUSSSSSEEE!!!)
My blogs will be intermittent (not to mention e’ing). Hopefully I’ll be able to make up for the erratic postings by having good things to SAY.
Ok. Enough inside time today. I still have a couple of errands to run, and the weather is actually only ikky and cold, as opposed to !#$% horrible, so I’m gunna go carpe some diem while the carpe’ing’s good.
MUCH love,
*yes, if you come visit now, you’ll either be on the couch or on an air mattress... anybody got a spare air-mattress, btw? ;)
**at least, I think it isn’t... could it possibly be an EXTREMELY bad play on "harridan"? Ug.
***Thank you, Mr. Pratchett.
****I KNOW. Shut up!
Today has been another one of those days that proves to me that there really is something to quantum physics. So many weird things that could only be explained by the fact that my particular reality is influenced by my thoughts - or particular ability to BELIEVE. You can call it vanity, or even insanity, but I know that it’s just perception. Lately, it seems that I have more of those kinds of days than any others. Yay me! Maybe I’m getting closer, each day, to waking up.
This morning I saw the #1 WORST hair salon name so far. It’s not even a bad pun** - it’s just
"Hair Den". Eew.
I also saw hundreds and hundreds of some pretty birds in the fields along Scriven road, in the valley. They were on the ground, and as I passed, they flew up, past Esme’s windshield, into the trees on the left side of the road. The ones who stayed stood stone still in the winter grass, looking almost like little penguin statues. I parked and got out to try to identify them, and as I walked along the fence row, they broke their freeze-tag poses and flew over my head. They looked a little like robins, but their breasts were rustier, their heads were smaller and their heads and backs were much darker and glossier than a robins’, and they had bright white flashes under tail and wings. They looked like very proper little English gentlemen in russet "wescots", tux and tails.
Any time I see birds - especially in large numbers - I go off on a contemplative tangent. It’s like the moon - it always means something to me, and it always feels like a gift from the Universe. After that, just as I was about to leave my beloved backroad and enter "highway-land", I looked up, above the cemetery where my friends and old neighbors William and Osa are buried, and saw a swooping flock of my beloved starlings. Now that's a strange sight on a cold day like today. I was still considering the "general omenry"*** of that sighting, when I walked into the Dollar General and heard "Meatloaf" playing over the store speakers. This is odd because a.) I don’t think I’ve EVER heard "Meatloaf" as muzak, and b.) I JUST borrowed "Bat Out of Hell" from Stewart because X had never heard "Paradise by the Dashboard Light". He heard me singing this the other day and had a hard time believing that it was a real song. Who could blame him? I also borrowed "School Daze", ‘cause he had the same question when he heard me singing "...Luna’ got a big-ole’ butt, oh yeah! George’ got a big-ole’ butt, oh yeah!" a few days ago.
Next, I stopped in for my free Tuesday cuppa at the old Amoco, and "Blinded by the Light" was playing. Not so weird - unless you know a few odd facts: I love that song. ‘Have since I was about 12. I didn’t even know that Bruce Springsteen did the original until Stewart told me a while back. I also love Bruce****, so I was curious. I’d never heard the song, didn’t even know it existed (and I remember songs almost better than anything else...) Until Stewart told me, and here it is, playing at the Amoco. Cool. I also saw in the papers that the !#$% Landrum po-lice
are having all sorts of troubles. Oh darn! Apparently it has gotten so bad, with people coming forth about all kinds of quackery - including officers ratting out OTHER officers (WOOO!!!), that they are now down to THREE uniformed officers. MUWAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!
- For those of you who don’t know, I was arrested and put through a night (and then ensuing WEEKS) of horrible misery by this bunch of greedy morons. I was originally taken to jail for STEALING MY OWN !#$% TRUCK.
I know it’s wrong to revel in the misery of others, but in this one case, I feel I’ve earned the right.
!#$% the !#$%-!&*^%$! LANDRUM PO-LICE!
In other news, George has completely recovered from his little surgery. By that evening, he was already tearing stuff up again. He seems relatively unchanged by the removal of his... bits. The only seeming difference is that he is much more affectionate, and has developed a new way of letting you know that he wants to be petted. First he nudges your hand, tries to get his head under it. Then, if you ignore that, he bites down on it. Not too hard, but it’s a clear message. The first night he did this, I was trying to sleep, and when I ignored his little volley of hand-bites, he bit me on the cheek. Otherwise, the little weasel is unchanged. This is, overall, a good thing, but I can’t WAIT ‘til he’ll be able to go outside.
In other news, I did get my 30 days of med-leave from work (UN-paid. Grr.) . I am to use the time to try to get my immune-system bolstered and to clean and organize Casa de Luna, so that I can reduce the dust as much as possible. I have a pretty busy month planned. I have only been off two days (and sick with some upper-respiratory junk that all the kids have had), but I have already made some good headway on the house. We got Grover to come get the spare bed* and I am turning that front bedroom into a work/storage room. All of my tubs (full of books and art supplies, mainly) will be stacked in there, and all my sewing & beading stuff will go in there. The dining room table (which I’ve always used as an art table) will go in there to hold my sewing machine, and to bead on, and my drawing table and a tabouret will go in the dining room. X and I eat on tv trays or on the porch anyway, so if we have company, we’ll just pull the dining table out of the "work room". I’ve washed all the linens - our bed, spare bed, luna bed - towels and rugs, cleaned the fridge, grocery shopped, and X and I cleaned an rearranged the spare room to make room for the max number of tubs and the table. Weeee!
I have a lot planned, both work- and fun-wise. I have set aside days to bead, to visit and/or help friends with a few projects, to adventure, draw, clean, etc. I have a cooking schedule, and an exercise schedule. I’ll actually have to pay attention to the weather reports, ‘cause I’ll need to know if I’m going to have an inside or outside exercise day. Words really can’t explain how happy I am to be out of the toxic fishbowl for a month - paid or un. I’ll be using up all my leave, sick AND vacation, but the bills are covered, and Chris paid for gas and groceries, so we’ll be ok. Hopefully I’ll have enough jewelry and art by the end of the month (not counting the commissions I’ve taken on), to make up for the loss of income. It’s worth WHATEVER to be able to see the birds in the daylight, walk with Luna, and get my house clean. One of my goals this month is to walk the length of River Road. Another is to see all my nearest/dearest girlies.
(Yes, Andi, Buffy, Carol, Erin, Heather, Jen, Liz, Sarah - this means YOU.) I have a couple of lunch and dinner dates planned as well, and I am scheduling at least one evening of Canastaphe with Peggy. YAAAAY, ME!!!!!!!!!!
Please call me and set us some play/work time, ok? Take advantage of "rent-a-sam" days while you can!!!
I’ll only have access to a pc occasionally. Sarah is sweet enough to let me borrow her house while she’s at The Coal-Mines. (Hey Sarah... I’M IN YOUR HOU-OOUUUUSSSSSEEE!!!)
My blogs will be intermittent (not to mention e’ing). Hopefully I’ll be able to make up for the erratic postings by having good things to SAY.
Ok. Enough inside time today. I still have a couple of errands to run, and the weather is actually only ikky and cold, as opposed to !#$% horrible, so I’m gunna go carpe some diem while the carpe’ing’s good.
MUCH love,
*yes, if you come visit now, you’ll either be on the couch or on an air mattress... anybody got a spare air-mattress, btw? ;)
**at least, I think it isn’t... could it possibly be an EXTREMELY bad play on "harridan"? Ug.
***Thank you, Mr. Pratchett.
****I KNOW. Shut up!