Today has been another exciting day in the bizarre culture human. I had court this morning. Nothing TOO naughty, I promise - but I was dealing with my old foes, the Landrum po-po's.
The crime was committed at the very same spot where I earned my very first* set of City Issue matching tungsten bracelets. I ran a stop sign this time. I was an innocent lamb the first go 'round, when I was carted away for stealing my own vehicle** (I think that was six years ago), but this time I was guilty as charged. However, I opted to go to court and ask for some leniency, due to a couple of extenuating circumstances, and they gave it to me. No points from my license (they threatened FOUR!) - at least in SC, and a 102$ reduction in the fine. The clerk of court also said that if I had lost any points in NC, to please contact her, and she would write a letter on my behalf, requesting leniency on their part as well.
Afterwards, I needed some pretty serious therapy, so while Chris was putting gas in Brunhilda
(this isn't her, but it's very like her...) I spotted a BUNCH of ripe dandelions in a small grassy area at the front of the HotSpot, near the highway and treated myself to a DLF dandelion-head kick-fest. That's what inspired me to share the above bumper sticker I made years ago to go in my show portfolio. The original is hand-drawn and hand-lettered, but it looks very like this. I get a lot of chuckles, snorts and giggles when folks see this. I really need to add that logo to my "Antisocial Butterfly", "Just !@#$ Ducky", "It's All About the Bananas" & "Mm, Pie" shirt/undies collection. I think I still have a Cafe Press store... :)
It felt good to spread the dande-love. I know things are bad and that I'm really hopelessly depressed when I see blown dandelion heads and don't feel like running through them and kicking those beautiful silky seeds into the wind (and all over the nice neat lawns of America! WOO-HOO!) It does make you feel better. If you don't believe me, go try it. It's a very small rebellion (though some people/businesses do get pretty p.o.'d about "weeds" in their pretty lawns, muwahaha...) and it helps to spread those gorgeous blooms and healthy greens out into the waiting world.
We're both exhausted still. The play went (literally) phenomenally well. When we went to drop off the theater key during the board meeting a few nights ago, the whole board applauded us when we walked in the door. Then they handed us a copy of the financial report - we had completely made back the budget (including the directors' paychecks!) PLUS another almost 4,000$ for TLT!!! WOOT! 5 of the 8 nights were not only sold out, but oversold. They had to come get the chairs that the cast and crew were using backstage to have seats for all the people who came at the last minute. The few nights that didn't sell out, we only had a few chairs empty. I overheard someone say that we'd broken records.
As wonderful as that feels, to have had such a financial success, the real joy was that we had such a good time doing this show. We felt as if we were making magic every night, and by the last weekend of the show, we were on FIRE. Our audiences were SO good and SO into it, and we all had so much fun giving it to them... what a treat. No wonder we were all so sad when it was over. Let me tell you - that is RARE. Usually, you are ready for it to be over, even if it has been a good show, because it is so exhausting, but I really believe we'd have all tried to do another week if we could have. The cast party was a delight. There was good food and good Hamilton homebrew. Ike had written a funny little sketch and we all stood around telling stories about things that had happened during the run, and saying how proud we were of each other. There were gifts for all the cast and crew (Chris and I made them funny, unique t-shirts with lines from the show, and gave Fresh Market gift certificates to some of the crew that REALLY busted heinie), and their directors' gift to Chris was STELLAR - a big, fancy dinner for 2 with wine, tax, tip and all included, at The Orchard Inn, one of our favorite places - if we could ever afford to go there***.
We're both booked to the gills still. Chris is catching up on his editing in Sparkleburg today and I am trying to catch up on the house and yard-work. I'm writing this onmy cool-off break - it's actually quite warm today. We both have long work days on Saturday and will be right back to our regularly scheduled programming on Monday, but we are taking a well-earned mini vacation tomorrow, which I am extra grateful for, 'cause it would have been Luna Belle's 10th birthday tomorrow (that link is to my myspace. I put up a little photo gallery for her birfday). Chris' grandma got us tickets to see Spamalot (!!!) and we splurged and got a room at a nice hotel with a heated pool for the day/night. YAY!
I'm not sure what else is on the agenda, but a warm swim, a long nap and a nice dinner are DEFINITELY penciled in. If I am a very good girl and plan and pack well, I may even get a stroll through Greenville's lovely little art museum, which is a treat every time. Either way, I'm grateful for this little break. Who knows, maybe I'll even find another dandelion field before the weekend is over.
I hope you are all busy, blessed, thankful, and finding the love you need.
*and damned well BETTER be very LAST...
**Steve Henson, there will ALWAYS be a chicken foot with your name on it, and yes, that person who flips you off every time they drive by your place of "business" is ME.
***we get to visit once a year when Chris' dad - in tres spiffy period top hat and tails - narrates their annual Dickens dinner. He gets a night to invite the fam as part of his pay.
The crime was committed at the very same spot where I earned my very first* set of City Issue matching tungsten bracelets. I ran a stop sign this time. I was an innocent lamb the first go 'round, when I was carted away for stealing my own vehicle** (I think that was six years ago), but this time I was guilty as charged. However, I opted to go to court and ask for some leniency, due to a couple of extenuating circumstances, and they gave it to me. No points from my license (they threatened FOUR!) - at least in SC, and a 102$ reduction in the fine. The clerk of court also said that if I had lost any points in NC, to please contact her, and she would write a letter on my behalf, requesting leniency on their part as well.
Afterwards, I needed some pretty serious therapy, so while Chris was putting gas in Brunhilda
(this isn't her, but it's very like her...) I spotted a BUNCH of ripe dandelions in a small grassy area at the front of the HotSpot, near the highway and treated myself to a DLF dandelion-head kick-fest. That's what inspired me to share the above bumper sticker I made years ago to go in my show portfolio. The original is hand-drawn and hand-lettered, but it looks very like this. I get a lot of chuckles, snorts and giggles when folks see this. I really need to add that logo to my "Antisocial Butterfly", "Just !@#$ Ducky", "It's All About the Bananas" & "Mm, Pie" shirt/undies collection. I think I still have a Cafe Press store... :)
It felt good to spread the dande-love. I know things are bad and that I'm really hopelessly depressed when I see blown dandelion heads and don't feel like running through them and kicking those beautiful silky seeds into the wind (and all over the nice neat lawns of America! WOO-HOO!) It does make you feel better. If you don't believe me, go try it. It's a very small rebellion (though some people/businesses do get pretty p.o.'d about "weeds" in their pretty lawns, muwahaha...) and it helps to spread those gorgeous blooms and healthy greens out into the waiting world.
We're both exhausted still. The play went (literally) phenomenally well. When we went to drop off the theater key during the board meeting a few nights ago, the whole board applauded us when we walked in the door. Then they handed us a copy of the financial report - we had completely made back the budget (including the directors' paychecks!) PLUS another almost 4,000$ for TLT!!! WOOT! 5 of the 8 nights were not only sold out, but oversold. They had to come get the chairs that the cast and crew were using backstage to have seats for all the people who came at the last minute. The few nights that didn't sell out, we only had a few chairs empty. I overheard someone say that we'd broken records.
As wonderful as that feels, to have had such a financial success, the real joy was that we had such a good time doing this show. We felt as if we were making magic every night, and by the last weekend of the show, we were on FIRE. Our audiences were SO good and SO into it, and we all had so much fun giving it to them... what a treat. No wonder we were all so sad when it was over. Let me tell you - that is RARE. Usually, you are ready for it to be over, even if it has been a good show, because it is so exhausting, but I really believe we'd have all tried to do another week if we could have. The cast party was a delight. There was good food and good Hamilton homebrew. Ike had written a funny little sketch and we all stood around telling stories about things that had happened during the run, and saying how proud we were of each other. There were gifts for all the cast and crew (Chris and I made them funny, unique t-shirts with lines from the show, and gave Fresh Market gift certificates to some of the crew that REALLY busted heinie), and their directors' gift to Chris was STELLAR - a big, fancy dinner for 2 with wine, tax, tip and all included, at The Orchard Inn, one of our favorite places - if we could ever afford to go there***.
We're both booked to the gills still. Chris is catching up on his editing in Sparkleburg today and I am trying to catch up on the house and yard-work. I'm writing this onmy cool-off break - it's actually quite warm today. We both have long work days on Saturday and will be right back to our regularly scheduled programming on Monday, but we are taking a well-earned mini vacation tomorrow, which I am extra grateful for, 'cause it would have been Luna Belle's 10th birthday tomorrow (that link is to my myspace. I put up a little photo gallery for her birfday). Chris' grandma got us tickets to see Spamalot (!!!) and we splurged and got a room at a nice hotel with a heated pool for the day/night. YAY!
I'm not sure what else is on the agenda, but a warm swim, a long nap and a nice dinner are DEFINITELY penciled in. If I am a very good girl and plan and pack well, I may even get a stroll through Greenville's lovely little art museum, which is a treat every time. Either way, I'm grateful for this little break. Who knows, maybe I'll even find another dandelion field before the weekend is over.
I hope you are all busy, blessed, thankful, and finding the love you need.
*and damned well BETTER be very LAST...
**Steve Henson, there will ALWAYS be a chicken foot with your name on it, and yes, that person who flips you off every time they drive by your place of "business" is ME.
***we get to visit once a year when Chris' dad - in tres spiffy period top hat and tails - narrates their annual Dickens dinner. He gets a night to invite the fam as part of his pay.
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