skin deep
hello all good peoples (and you too).
i'm having a major tom morning, and thinking of doing something irrational and exciting. like wandering off down the river and exploring junk piles. i have paying work to get done today (art work, yay!) and favor work too (more art), and i WILL get them done, but the air and the birds and the winter light are so tempting, not to mention that major tom needs to get the !@#$ out of the tin can for a while, jeezis. it begins to get dark around 5, and x will be working on Cuckoo's Nest, so i can be agood responsible girl and get my work done then. maybe i'll even watch 'buffy' while i work... ooooo...
my challenge today, as far as the tin can in my head goes, will to attempt to explore my good memories without letting them distract me from the day and from the here and now - and without side-slipping into concomitant bad memories.
wish me luck. :)
i am feeling very intrepid and excited about the coming show. the music is amazing. andy has been working his @$$ off and it's plain to see that he is inspired and enjoying himself. that's the best thing of all. he is really getting into translating the script into the elements i've suggested*. he seems to read my mind, and he can understand sam-speak (bjork fans of the world unite!) so when i say 'hey andy, right here, it needs to be like "bbbzzzzzrrRRRRrrrrT!, and the bleeps need to sound more... 'squishy'..." he UNDERSTANDS COMPLETELY**. we talk, listen to some sounds, then he records/samples/edits and sends me the raw piece. i listen, take notes, talk to x about it, then we get together, and tweak each piece bit by bit... it is INCREDIBLY fun, and i am INCREDIBLY awed and honored to be able to do this and work with somebody like the Balla (Audio Boy Scout, in tha' HOUSE!).
auditions are this coming weekend, and then the fun REALLY begins. x is almost done with the blocking, we've made rough costume notes and much less rough set design sketches (THANK YOU LINDSAY!). i get to begin building the Transformer soon - ooh! there's a good excuse for junk pile digging! yeah! we've got an awesome crew on board too, and a lot of good interest for auditions. let's face it, this is a show that people want to be involved in. come audition!
the lingerie party was a blast. we were a HUGE hit and got some decidedly awesome photos. everything from sweet portraits to super-naughty (but no worse than mildly r-rated) pinups. 1800 of them! of course we will weed out most of them - blurs, blinks and blahs - then further cull the best of the best and then post them on my flikr account (the naughtiest will be privately emailed to the subjects. sorry. :). we handed out little mini flyers with a link to the flikr page so they can get their free pics, my contact info and a 10% coupon for a personal photo shoot with any of our photographers. there were so many brave, beautiful people there and our little studio with it's truck o' funky props and seasoned (and rather exacting and demanding - they all seemed to like that! *CRACK!*) photographers seemed to bring out the best in them all. it was tremendous fun. we also got to invite some of our closest friends and so we got to party as well, taking turns with the booth and letting each other mingle and dance and whatnot (yeah, whatnot!) and then when our batteries gave in, we packed up and let ourselves sink into the party until, well, dawn. :D
as a teaser i've posted pics of our intrepid photo team, doing their best to make the most of this tough, tough job... that's me with the long haired fellow (he made a great pirate), chris and a very nice lady and lizzy throwing signs with our friend par.
(AND antony just came on my radio. *sigh*. life is good, in spite of the pain.:)
ok, i'm about to take a bunch of vitamin I and then get ready to leave the tin can.
i hope you all have some good adventures today too. there are some of you that i would really love to spend the day with. most of you are far away, but if you get a wild hair, call!
*I wrote a list of 11 audio elements that i wanted as a thread throughout the music, based on my interpretation of the script, like crows, water, coyotes, electricity, a heartbeat, a foghorn, etc. and andy edits and effects them to fit the beat/piece/moment. i must say, it's the $#*!
**"Wait, you mean you actually understand what he's saying?" - Ice Cold
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