"Attention BP - If any BP management person is reading this, please contact us. We're eager to help you but we're unable to get through to the right people via the toll-free numbers. The automated response I received from your Horizon Call Center indicates that you have "hundreds of people willing to volunteer." We have thousands. Your local community outreach people are good folks who are working hard but they don't have the right information and resources. BP management needs to help us and them.
OSHA, BP, Transocean, Homeland Security, USCG, NOAA, EPA, Department of the Interior - We need to hear from you. We have 7000+ people eager to be trained and eager to jump into action when the oil comes ashore. How do they get training? What can they do to help with the cleanup? We have volunteers with prior oil spill cleanup experience, certifications, and commercial boats who are eager to go to work. How can we communicate with the right people to put them to work? The public toll-free numbers aren't working for such things.
Volunteers - Please register using this form. (CLOSED) Provide complete as much of the form as possible and indicate whether your contact information can be shared directly with cleanup organizations. Please do not use emailto provide your volunteer information. Note that OSHA regs require special training for anyone involved in oil cleanup or oiled-wildlife rehab. BP has contracted with Tri-State to do the cleanup and wildlife rehab. BP will not train volunteers. We are still trying to determine what other work can be done by volunteers.
Caution: Do not attempt oil cleanup work without training and the required safety equipment. The oil waste is a toxic material and can pose a threat. This OSHA handbook for oil spill cleanup will explain. OSHA regulations require that oil spill cleanup personnel have HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) certification. Read about the issue of training and oil cleanup here.
Cleanup Organizations Needing Volunteers - Please send email todon@OilSpillVolunteers.com describing your needs and activities. (Please route all individual volunteer offers to the registration form here on the web. We are receiving a large number of emails and calls and it's much simpler and more reliable to keep track of volunteers in the database linked to the form. We'd hate to misplace an email and lose contact with you.)
Boat owners - If your boat is capable of handling booms and other spill management and cleanup equipment, you may contact BP's Vessels of Opportunity program at 281.366.5511. Participation under this program would be compensated by BP. (Commercial fishing boats and similar craft, not appropriate for small recreational boats.)
If you have HAZWOPER certifications or wildlife rehabilitiation certification, you may be eligible to work in a paid capacity with BP's contractor Tri-State. If you cannot reach someone at BP or Tri-State, you may send an email to certified@oilspillvolunteers.com with your contact information and certification details. We'll do our best to see that it gets to the right place. (HAZWOPER - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response)
Spill Forecast
See http://deepwaterhorizon.noaa.gov/#downloads for the latest 24-hr, 48-hr, and 72-hr spill trajectory:
Current Trajectory Maps • 24, 48 and 72 hour trajectory forecast maps and offshore surface oil forecasts are produced once daily. |
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