Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Home, but not really Here...

Last night, trying to cope with the normalcy of being home, trying to debrief a little, I was journaling and making notes and I started to write: 'I have just taken the most important step of my life.'
- meaning going down to the Gulf and coming to terms with the fact that I would be giving my life to this cause. But then I knew that wasn't true. Every step I have taken has been important. Everything I've ever done, everything I do, good and bad, minute or slightly less minute, has had SOME kind of impact on the world and on the lives and others. And I believe that the same is true about every living being on the planet. What will it take for us to become conscious of our impact?
If the horror of the disaster itself isn't enough, and the hell-visions spewed out by the media, desensitizing and agitating us endlessly aren't enough, if the fact that YOUR children or your FRIENDS children will bear the burden of all of our shared ignorance and greed isn't enough, or the fact that our economy is going to be shattered and ravaged beyond belief isn't enough, or the fact that our social system will not be able to cope with a toxic human disaster this big (and it IS toxic and it IS beyond most of our comprehension at this point, in the BEST case scenarios), then what WILL it take?

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