Friday, June 18, 2004

I am very grateful to be able to say that I am loved by a lot of people. A lot of wonderful, amazing, kind, intelligent, beautiful, talented, brave, funny and funky people. When I think of how many special people give so much of themselves to me, look after me, look up to me and, thank god, overlook me when need be, it stupifies me. As hard as I try to deserve this, I think I will never feel that I really do, but I am grateful, nonetheless, and mightily inspired to keep trying to be worthy.
There is one little particular circle of friends who inspired today's rant. They are three (and 1/16*) ladies whom I met completely by chance. They were the best of friends before me, but they assimilated me and my **Ego with the greatest of ease, and now I don't know how I ever lived without them. We definitely do not get together often enough, but when we do, we make up for lost time. When last we met, one of us suggested that we needed to make a point to do this once a month. I agree whole-heartedly, and to that cause, I've written this poem, partially as a little "making" (words have a lot of power), but mostly to honor these women that bless my life.
I love you very much, my Ladies. Can you guess which element is you?


Start with a willow circlet,
woven ‘round, limber strength,
symbol of eternity, openness, air,
the beginning and end
of all things;

Wrap with fire-hued spider silk and
the darkest forest-green wool,
bits of blue, black and white,
warmth and color, threads the symbol of
unity, passion, labor, love and light;

Stretch with sinew, knotted in the pattern of
the structure of earth, of life itself,
pulling tight, drawing together,
holding the good, and letting the bad things
breeze on through;

Hang with feathers, fishbone, sparkling stones,
shells and bits of sea glass like shining drops of water,
symbols of the flow of life’s salt-sweet blood,
of power and mercy, rain and storm, beauty, desire,
and change.

Bless and suspend this thing of beauty,
spinning, shining, protecting, and reminding
us to carefully sift the dark from the light,
respect them both, and be grateful for Her
myriad gifts of Elements and Dreams.


*Baby makes five, and that's the Big Mama in the Sky's most magic number...
**Terrible Horrible

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