Can I just say: *siiiiiiggggghhhhhhh!*?
Well, I've been here a week today. I'm homesick, but you know... I'm settling in. Maybe it's the 65-85 degree temperatures (avg. 75, though), maybe it's the nice walks 4 times a day... it could be the adventure and wildlife, or the beautiful scenery, or the pleasant work and/or relaxation...
who knows? Either way, I'm coping. :)
There are some stressful moments. Yesterday I drove into the heart of downtown Miami on the Friday before Superbowl. There were a few - ok, several - moments of
!@#$!, because let me tell ya, friends, Miama drivers are not nice. However we made it ON TIME (despite long standstills in more than one place) and without any major stress. A fellow at Cedars (we went for Gail's first post-op visit, xrays and stitches out! woot!) told me that if I could drive in Miami I could drive anywhere. I believe it, too. I am now without fear. :) What's REALLY weird is that today, when we drove into Coral Gables (and actually yesterday, too) I was already starting to recognize landmarks and know where I was in relation to other places we'd been. I've gotten toll booths down, and I am learning to be a little aggressive in traffic - though I LOVE the look on other drivers' faces when I'm nice and let them over/out. :)
On Tuesday I had some nice walks both with the girls and by myself. I started my art projects on this day. Palm trees shed these very sculptural pieces of bark and leaf and bits. I've begun making little sculptures of them and other found shed greenery/branches, etc. around the neighborhood. I've taken pics of most of them so far. I'll try to post some when I can.
After the 4:30 walk, I did a few things around the house and then walked down to the pool. On the way I was completely ambushed by the sunset over the lakes, in a sky as big as a sky should be. I sat on the guard rail beside the lake and watched until my butt hurt (little guard rail, big butt) and then I watched the rest of it while floating in the pool. After a while, it felt as though I was swimming in the sky. That was a happy thing indeed.
Wednesday was exciting too. Gail had to go to Miami to show a condo, so I got to see several beautiful apartments in a 300K> building*, and watch Gail work. Wow. There were some high stress moments that day too - and the next. Selling and closing a piece of property like that, in a market like this - with a bizarre sudden TWO WEEK deadline?!?! you can imagine. and less than TWO weeks after having SPINAL SURGERY. (I told you! I'm here to slow her down! :) She did fine, too. It was amazing. And she never did anything the doc said she couldn't - and she did all the right stuff when she realized she was pushing too hard. *whew*. i like my saluda pace, y'all. i gotta say. :)
Then Wednesday evening, while walking the dogs, I SAW A 10 FOOT (OR MORE)
!@#$ ALLIGATOR, ABOUT 30 YARDS AWAY! I've got pics! I've got proof! eeeee!
Thursday was a good odd day. In the midst of phone/pc/work realtor, we went to town with a grocery/errand list. Gail's able to call while I drive, so she worked and I cruised. We had to get a scrip filled with an hour wait, so Gail suggested that we drive to Biscayne Bay National Park, a whole 15 minutes from her house - and right next to an entrance to the EverGlades NP. (did i say *sigh~* already?). On the way, we had to ask a buff, handsome latin cop (who was sleeping in his squad car on the edge of a palm orchard) how to get around the detour. He dead macked on me, via my tattoo (which I get constant comments on here. :), and told me about the tribalwork on his back (I could see ends of it on his biceps peeking out from under his shirtsleeves. Oh yeah.
The Bay of Biscayne is a beautiful thing. You can snorkel there. There are mangrove trees, the ground is coral and birds and tropical fish and lizards everywhere. We walked to the end of the pier and visited the gift shop for cards and to get the KAYAK RENTAL PRICES... eee!
After our sojourn we popped the 15 minutes back into Homestead for scrip, mojito fixings and a bad movie. We ate at some big chain on our first night here and Gail suggested mojitos. After we tasted them, she announced that we should have a quest to find the best mojito during this trip.
Whatcha gonna do, right? When in Buffetville... Thankfully (they're not cheap) we found one we were really happy with on our 3rd or 4th attempt at one of Gails' fave watering holes in Miami. Not only was it delicious, but also non-touristy (i'll explain when i'm making them for you), BUT cute blonde Christine also gave us the recipe. I matched it on the first try. :)
Yesterday was the hospital trip, and though traffic was stressful and Gail was feeling the previous two days, I, as my granmaw said: Wrung the goody out of it. :) After traffic warrioring, Gail and I established our spot in the waiting room (we'd brought food AND entertainment - and enough to share - AND there was coffee and hot tea pro bono), then made friends with the entire staff and all the patients (and learned their pets name - Gail works a room like I do!) while we waited for her to be called. When she went in to xrays, I left my bookbag (then one you made me, Jen!) with Maia behind the desk and went out onto the streets. GypsyMagpie me had seen colored umbrellas with food and shiny things around them near the Cedars entrance, so I followed my beak. I was only gone about 30 minutes total, but in that time I bought a pretty wooden and religious medallion beaded bracelet, a bowl of tropical fruit that she peeled and cut in front of me, a bag of hot chicharrones and a sausage dog for nine dollars. I sat down on the curb in the hot hot sun, watching Miami's heart beat around me, stuck out my pale legs and ate my VERY good lunch. I gave my last dollar to a homeless man who was surprised I spoke English and then got back just as Gail was coming back from xray. While we waited for her doc to call we met two nice couples in that waiting room. One lady was a realtor in Key West (with a nice handsome beau and a 2 ft tall mini horse named Honey. :) so Gail and she traded cards. :)
We all drank coffee and tea and talked, and when they all got called I wrote postcards until Gail came out with no stitches and a good report. I got my bag back from the desk. Maia had left but the girl in her place asked where I got my bracelet. She'd had one just like it but wore it as a prayer until it fell apart. I told her about the abuelita at the entrance to metro just outside the gate (who makes all her own, by the way. she was working while i shopped :) . she said she'd go get another on her lunch break. :) On the way out, i stopped for a sip of water and Maia came over. She said "I'm glad you're still here, I wanted you to see this, I thought you'd appreciate it." Then this young woman whom I'd met once, to ask her to hold my bag and traded pleasantries with showed me a letter that an anonymous patient had just left her. It said, almost poetically in it's loving grateful simple sincerity, how much they appreciated her kindness to a helpless person, and how they knew she would be blessed for her goodness. It made me cry. The note, the moment, this stranger choosing me to share with... and I looked up and she had tears too.
Thank you, Goddess.
That evening, shook off the stress of driving and previous days in the pool. Met nice neighbors - and Luigi. :) He's very old and VERY italian. And apparently I'm "molto bello e con un sorriso perfetto..." :D No worries. I can DEFINITELY outrun him.
Today was sleep latish (the girls left me in until 7:15! woot!) then up to clean a little for the maid (get our sheet outta her way) then dressed cute and out to Coral Gables (truly one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the country) to pick up Mary. We went out for dim sum (yum yum! no chicken feet though Joe! ;) then to shop a little (Barnes and Nobles for me!) then to see Helen Mirren in 'Queen'. We liked it. Afters, we stopped at the bridge near Mary's house...
i got baby manatee pickshures! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when we got back to the house, they let me climb onto their boat for more manatee watch. I got pics there, my first taken of me since i got here, and pics of the girls and the boat and the canal.
when we got home gail relaxed for a bit while i took the pups for their daily "Corona Cruise" as Gail has dubbed it. I take a Corona with me on the tea-time walk and we make it a long one, around both lakes (gator patrol!) Gail is going to try her first post surgical Corona Cruise tomorrow - if it's nice... hahahaha!
I'm getting the goody out of it. Gail and Buffy have both gone out of their way to let me know how much they appreciate me in the last couple of days, and that makes me enjoy it all the more. Gail's an easy patient, her house is easy to keep up, her babies are little precious gremlins... we cook and watch movies and do what needs to be done, and fill in the spaces with taking care of ourselves and keeping in touch with the people that keep us in touch with ourselves. Check your mailboxes! If you're not getting postcards, it's 'cause I don't have your address...
Much love.
*May I say that walking around strangers' apartments gives me a certain thrill. *Ahem*. :)
Shut up, Jen. ;)
**BTW, ESPECIALLY if you were a fan, DON'T watch Miami Vice.