"Hi - we're getting a lot of questions about remediating the Gulf spill oil.
There is one group we know of that wants to do a study at a university with a very small amount and very controlled. Otherwise, we don't know of people doing this and that is a good thing.
"This oil has been sprayed with dispersants that have endocrine inhibitors. If any young people who are still at a reproductive age, get in contact with these chemicals these toxins effect their reproductive systems and the systems of their future children. This is no joking matter for youth to be near. I'm not suggesting that only 50 year olds study this stuff. But I want everyone to be really aware of what they're dealing with here. There is a reason the UK banned these dispersants.
These are synthetic and won't break down easily in a composting experiment.
Riki Ott, PhD who you hear on NPR all the time nowadays can't believe that people are swimming in this water right now. If you really want to go out there in this, please be very very careful, wear gloves, don't let kids handle it with bare hands, don't swim and swallow it. We don't know a lot of what was in the dispersants and what we know is unpleasant to say the least. Look up 2-butoxyethanol.
This is why BP is landfilling all their booms and oil waste in specified Haz waste landfills in Florida. It may be because of the dispersants that they're not incinerating. We're not sure. Usually it would all be incinerated. At any rate they're not extracting it. They're dumping it. They are collecting oil from the pipe source, but not oil and dispersants, from what we hear."
Lisa @ MoT, SF CA
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