An Open Letter to the President and an Encouragement for others to Send Same
By NOLAREX on JUNE 4, 2010
An Open Letter to the President and an Encouragement for others to have their Voice heard:
Given the gravity of our oil spill situation in the Gulf of Mexico, I thought I’d be remiss not to make this letter available as one of many tools we are currently using to make our grievances heard. I’d hope that many of us still have an inkling of faith that our government has the capability to hear our concerns and redress them in a satisfactory manner. I know, I’m being an optimist. Along that line of thought, there is no redress if we don’t voice our concerns to the power structure that is, however we may currently feel about it.
With that, I have written a letter to President Obama in hopes that my wants and concerns are heard and I’ve placed it below for your reference. Please copy, paste, and/or adjust it to your liking and contact the White House to share your version. Allow this to be a template to voice the issues you want voiced over the oil spill in the Gulf. I’ve added all points of contact for the White House Office of Presidential Correspondence below the letter to ease your ability to communicate, and feel free to use it to vocalize your concerns to members of Congress. (I have been informed that the Fax listed below is the most efficient way for the White House Correspondence office). I’ve deleted my personal information from the letter, so remember to add both your address and your email address at the bottom of the letter.
President Barack H. Obama
The White House
Office of Presidential Correspondence
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
The White House
Office of Presidential Correspondence
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
3 June 2010
Dear Mr. President,
In regards to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, I request that you advocate for the following:
(1) BP and clean-up efforts by their collaborative partners to stop using COREXIT on our coastal waters.
(2) Force the use of tankers and/or supertankers in the Gulf for skimming to collect the oil currently making it to the surface to minimize coastal impact.
(3) A full investigation into the business practices of which led up to the accident in question with proper parties being respectively held criminally and civilly liable.
(4) A review of European safety practices that are currently not in place in the coastal waters of the United States and the expedient enactment/implementation of those safety policies in hopes to reduce accidents of this magnitude in the future.
(5) The removal of liability cap that is currently placed on oil companies in order to insure adequate clean-up and remediation expenses are covered by the negligent parties in the future
(6) The use of bio-remediation in the clean-up efforts of our coast.
(7) The creation of more offshore berms and protective barrier islands off the coast of Louisiana and a policy shift to aid in the restoration of the Louisiana coast that has negatively been affected by decades of offshore exploration.
(8) That oil and gas royalties allotted to the State of Louisiana for offshore drilling be expedited to state coffers in advance of the current timeline of the year 2017 and lastly,
(9) The allowance of media in areas that have currently been off-limits by BP security and those acting under their directives in order to insure full transparency for the public trust and knowledge.
Understanding the imperatives of the oil economy of the State of Louisiana, the ecological impact this disaster on the Gulf Coast, the damaging effect on our seafood industry and beyond, please consider my above requests in your policy considerations.
Many thanks in advance for your due consideration,
[your name here] - [origin: Michael “Rex” Dingler]
Contact Information:
You can also call or write to the President:
The White House
Office of Presidential Correspondence
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Office of Presidential Correspondence
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please include your e-mail address
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
Comments: 202-456-6213
Visitors Office: 202-456-2121
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