Saturday, June 28, 2003

fifty-five minutes. 55 minutes.
fifty and five. 30 and 25. five times eleven.
these kids are makin' me nuts, despite my iron rule today, they have come in with !@#$ WALKIE TALKIES, two little beasts - after my getting onto them a DOZEN TIMES about the noise - used MY markers and paper to make signs that said "HONK IF YOU LOVE PEACE AND QUIET!" - which i figured out after i heard continuous honking and looked out to see them holding up the signs.
this HAS to be true love, because it DAMNED sure ain't great pay and benefits.
can you tell i need a vacation?
50 minutes. and then a day of packing and cleaning (and a bbq @ chez goree) and then
I CAN BE ANOTHER SAM FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if i don't come back, i KNOW y'all will understand! (i'll at least come back to get my dog, my photo albums, do my photo shoots, and to have a big ole' goin' away bash!)
much love,

like mother, like daughter. *sigh*

Friday, June 27, 2003

well, folks... i have a BAD case of "pre-vacation-itis". like kids the week before school's out. i just don't CARE! i wanna GO! my attention is wandering, i'm in a daze... staring out the window... my temper is even shorter than usual (eek!). i just want People* to leave me alone, and i want to get the !@#$ OUTTAHERE! i still have lots to do, but it's manageable. i've taken care of the "serious" details - work stuff, lulie, mail, $$$. i need to finish cleaning the house, i have to pack, and then "CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME...!"
i love to go to new places. i think i'd rather travel than almost anything besides swim and eat... and traveling to new places to swim and eat is just the donkey's knob! i have been out to san jose and the bay area before, many moons ago, to visit a friend. that was a great trip, too. but to see it through my brother's eyes, and to be old enough to wander on my own a bit, if i want to. that will be nice.

i've been having a bit of a... not really an 'existential crisis' - i don't have those. maybe a 'directional crisis' lately. it's not that i have no direction, it's that i'm being dragged along in a big ships' wake and i want to break free and swim on my own. mortality is really looming over me, i am becoming very aware of just how little time i really have left to explore this ball of mud. last night i dreamed** that i was dead and still walking around. i kept trying to explain to my friends that i was ok, i was just dead. and i was trying to be REALLY careful and not damage myself, because i knew that my body couldn't recover from the damage. hm. doesn't take an 80$-an-hour shrink to figure THAT one out.
i am also aware that i am at a very bad age and stage of sam-ness to be kow-towing to a thoughtless, inconsiderate government REGIME*** that is slowly but surely chipping away my rights one by one. i don't think any of you really have any idea what that does to my soul and my disposition**** to have to live with this feeling, to know what i am sacrificing every minute of every day for the sake of so-!@#$-called "security". will i wake up one day with a bad back, carpal tunnel syndrome, 25 years in the same @$$-kissing position and not even a !@#$ christmas bonus to show for it? not "no", but HELL no! this bobcat is tired of mindlessly pacing the fence. she is now looking for a way OUT.
and for now, the end of this day, i am outtie. and then one more day, and i am outtie for a whole WEEK!
how pathetic is it that i am so excited about one week of freedom? that's like fire being happy about it's seven seconds on the head of a match.
much love, and more anger,
-your sam

*not my friends, but People, with a capital P. grr... raaar!
**this was AFTER the weird dream about the twin jackie chans, one good one evil, stuck in a room fighting over a set of keys, and before the dream of the art deadline from hell. i woke UP tired this morning.
***don't even get me !@#$ STARTED!!!
****ESPECIALLY those of you who THINK you know.

Sunday, June 22, 2003

hello, lads and lasses,
i apologize for not posting as frequently as i otta these days. i know y'all like to come here and read and feel how normal your lives are in comparison to the oft-ridiculous circ du soleil-moon-frye that is my life, but i have been very busy! i've had an intern, a couple of new volunteers and a million out-of-school kids around the libob lately, and i am taking the opportunity to get LOTS done - yay, us!* plus i am trying to get ready for my big trip to CALIFORNIA! wheeeeee! planning, packing, selling my services for souvenir bucks, and then the usual sam-stuff. no problemo. i do know that by the time i leave i will have EARNED a nice vacation, and i am DEFINITELY ready for it! i do think joe and ellie (my bro and sis-in-law) have the 'net at home, so hopefully i will be able to blog some while i am there. i will try to keep y'all posted on the adventures of sam and clan in cali!
as most of you know, i am planning a visit to (!!!) china town... :D :D :D and i will try to get out to emperor norton's grave, and of course, the monterey bay aquarium.** best of all, i will see my brothers - one of whom i haven't seen in maybe eight years. when i last saw him face to face, he was just a teenager. but i saw a picture of him recently and he's this giant brawny bloke now. he looks like The Rock, Jr.! :) i promise to take lots of pics!

in local news (and speaking of brawny blokes) the june wedding fairies continue to bestow blessing upon me. my new neighbors, across the street (in william's old place, jams) are working furiously to get the old place in shape in time for their reception on friday, and they have hired a whole passle of young, good looking guys who NATURALLY can't work in the hot sun with all their clothes on. *sigh*. my beloved dog is SO well trained, too. she is always running over there, so i have to go and claim her. dang. :D they are so sweet, too. they even offered to come and mow my lawn. awwww. :D :D :D
so, life is good. and busy busy. my house is a MISERABLE WRECK - but i am TRYING to get it in shape before i leave. the yard is a night mare, but, que sera sera. i joined a new gym on monday, and so far, i am loving it. no men, no mirrors***, and a very simple routine to follow, almost like having a personal trainer with you. you only have to do 30 minutes, 3 times a week (minimum) i set a goal to lose 55 pounds. there is one lady there who has lost 110 so far. oh, AND it's VERY reasonably priced. 29$ to join, 29$ a month. wish me luck. i go back for my second tonight after work.

i will try to keep y'all posted. oh - and send me happy FLYING thoughts (augh!)

*boo, my back! :)
**DO check out their awesome webcams!
***no stupid girls in thongs and ten pounds of make-up, EITHER.