Friday, April 23, 2004

hello, peeps. i have been doing SO good with the daily blogs that i didn't want to leave today without posting something. i began writing a rant that i will finish and post tomorrow - it's been a very busy day, sorry. i will warn you in advance that tomorrow's rant is tangentially opposed to the personal and relatively peaceful poetry rants i've had for y'all for the last few days, although it will still contain one of my poems. tomorrow's rant is a big one, and a political one, and y'all know how i can get...*
but for today, despite my disturbed heart and mind - or maybe BECAUSE of them, i will leave you with some sweetness, something much smaller and yet much bigger than this mess that mr. !@#$ bush, and all the other careless and greedy world "leaders" have put us all into.
this is a re-print of part of my april 4 rant from last year - my experimental 'southern haiku' about the seasons of my childhood.

These four are called ‘Bulletin Board’

Dusk light, dogwood glow,
silk of shift from fourth to third,
tar to dirt, river road.

Beloved Gramaw
puts sliced ripe homegrown
tomatoes on the table.

Still dark – wake to coffee smell.
Men in kitchen laugh.
Soon, white-tail will fall.

Scent of wintergreen,
pine, Vap-o-rub, I sleep well.
I will wake to warmth.

much love, and as many as the endless universe full of stars' prayers for peace,

*mike, that's a warning for you, honey.

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