Sunday, May 16, 2004

in case any of you want to know how the letter writing is going, well, here is my third offering. i just want you all to know that i am not being ugly. i am trying to be both honest and kind.
if you want to know how the faire is going - it's wonderful. today was most excellent, and the wedding truly was lovely.

and now i am veryvery sleepy.
goodnight - and god(dess) bless us all.

"Hello, Mr. Bush.

Sam Lovelace again.
I work for an organization that puts on a small festival every year, the proceeds from which go to help local charities. It's kind of a "historical faire" (medieval to Elizabethan times). This year, we also hosted the actual wedding of a young couple as a part of the festival. It was a beautiful spring day, warm and sunny, even though it called for rain. The wedding was lovely and the festival went well.
I only thought of the horrors of this war a few times today. Unfortunately, I also spoke of them once, without thinking, though fortunately in a relatively appropriate place and time, and my graceful friends and coworkers seemed to understand, and forgive me. Being Southern sometimes seems like a grace itself, doesn't it?

I came home tonight, tired and sunburned a little, but I still had to prepare for tomorrow. There was some laundry and mending to do, dinner, and preparing tomorrow's things for the kids and pets - you know. It was a relatively peaceful day. I thought I might even skip writing to you, because I was tired, and my mind was not as troubled as it has been ( 'busy hands...' ). But I thought I might at least check my email, and when I opened my web-browser, this was the headline that greeted me.
"U.S. battles militia in Iraq; 5 GIs die"

Now I have to go to sleep, and then face tomorrow. And so do you, and so do the surviving soldiers, and the families of the dead, and all the people, all over the world, who are trying to face what's happening to all of us.
God(dess), bless us all.

-Sam Lovelace"

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