Saturday, April 16, 2005

I Challenge Everyone to Do This.

(LJ folks:You don’t have to do it here – though I’d LOVE to read folks’ lists. Blog readers – e them to me!) Be honest, and don’t worry about “bragging”. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t deserve to brag at least a little. And for those of you who might have a bad opinion of me (and I know that some do, and I can honestly understand why). I didn't do this for the purpose of bragging - I did it because I needed to, and I posted it to encourage others to do so.

100 Things I Like About Myself:

When I go to Google, I automatically (unthinkingly) click “Images” first.

My elegant, often unbelievable name: Samantha Louanne Lovelace.

My own sort of Geekism, which I usually think of as somehow inferior, is actually true Old School Geekism, pre-computer, pre-con, pre-game. I am an art*/knowledge/language/
hedonistic nerd, who also happens to love and respect all this “new-fangled” Geekism, too.

People find it easy to be honest with me, even if they think that what they need to say might hurt.

I can’t keep a secret.

I cook good soul food.

My taste in much music and many films is unashamedly cheesy.

I feel comfortable with children.

I love things that are bent, broken, mottled, freckled, speckled, spotted, strange – things that are often unloved by most everyone else. Even things that are often broken and completely unusable, but still beautiful, I turn into art.

I like to try new things.

My tattoos make me feel strong and happy.

I can often make the very best of very bad things.

I try to see the good in bad things, and often can.

As much as the past hurts me, I still love the person that I am, and admire my own strength.

I draw kindness from good people.

My bizarre and festive fashion “sense”.

The fact that my birthdays are month-long events, and that people look forward to being included in the fun.

My very deep and ingrained “Southerness” – I suppose it is the heart of what grace I have.

I am – despite popular opinion and even possible evidence – very logical and practical.

My love for all animals, but especially “weird” ones.

My passion for boys, Orc and otherwise.

My ability to love ‘the monsters’ (Frankenstein, Roy Batty, the Orcses, Tobie, etc.)

My odd face.

My hands. The way they look, their sensitivity, all that they can do.

My very strange and intermittently eerily accurate mnemonic ability (yes, sometimes I even remember things that haven’t happened yet)

Despite their origins, my hyperawareness and hypervigilance.

The intrinsic artistic nature of my entire being.

My ability to create so easily.

The fact that I recognize some good things about myself.

The fact that I recognize some bad things about myself.

My ability to empathize.

The fact that I really DO like long walks on the beach.

I can draw anything.

I enjoy honestly flattering people, even strangers.

The extra wonderful fact that cool, intelligent, strong, amazing women love me and are drawn to me.

When I go to “ethnic” restaurants, I do my best to speak/practice their language a little (which I actively attempt to learn bits of in my spare time).

I think bugs, even spiders, are really cool.

I like to organize things.

I can’t resist cute baby anythings.

I like boy clothes.

I am “cute”.

My scars (and the scars of others) are beautiful to me.

I am not shy about trying any new cuisine.

I am “old-fashioned” in a lot of ways.

I press dozens of flowers every year, and on every trip I take, then make them into bookmarks.

I think girls are wonderful, pretty, special, and as unique as flowers.

It makes me happy to make girls feel extra-special, extra-pretty, and stronger.

One day, I vow to live in a place and situation where I’ll never have to wear anything but pajamas and flip-flops if I don’t want to.

I don’t play video games.

I gave up TV eight years ago.

I quit smoking two years ago yesterday (04/15).

I sing pretty much constantly.

My sketchbooks and journals could fill a small storage space.

I think Bjork is the coolest human alive (that I know about).

I think most of my friends tie for second-coolest human alive (and that birds of a feather flock together).

I feed the rabbits in my yard, and leave nest-stuff for the birds every year.

I ‘art’ obsessively.

Storms make me veryvery happy.

I still miss my ex-husband. I especially wish I could discuss the latest movies with him.

I reallyreallyreally love hot tea.

I don’t actually think that people are generally so very different, and I don’t think that’s such a bad thing.

Sometimes I like the “bad” things about people so much that I’d rather them stay that way than change so that I could be around them more.

I miss my grandma.

I have a lot of heroes.

I make GREAT salsa.

I like to be sparkly, I like sparkly things.

I am both veryvery silly and veryvery serious, and I don’t think that’s bad.

I’m both a BIG girl and a SMALL person.

Rubbing my face on kitty bellies works better at relieving my stress than any drug.

I make insecure men mad.

I make secure men happy.

I challenge people to be more – whatever they are, whatever they want to be – directly and indirectly.

People say that I am the most capable person they know.

People say that I am the sanest person they know.

I’ve been through hell and I’m still a good person.

I trust people more than I should.

I make up words, and people “steal” them.

I’m good at lots of things.

I’m excited that there’s still so much for me to see and learn.

“Shy” is a word that is seldom used to describe me.

I’ve had to physically defend myself and others many times, and I have never hit a girl and I have never lost a fight.

I’m a good dancer.

I am known for speaking my mind.

I’ve faced a lot of my fears.

I inspire people.

Motherhood is not for me, I know exactly why, and that’s ok.

I am a great babysitter.

When a movie is based on something else (comic or book), I can avoid comparison, and enjoy the movie for what it is.

I am not a snob about books, movies, etc. – though if someone tries to get snarky on me, I can go there.

I am very (veryvery) sharp-witted. I never think “Oh! I wish I’d thought of that - (fill in snappy comeback)!” an hour later.

I am brave in many ways.

I am really into good hygiene.

My house is never too very messy and things are pretty well organized, despite the fact that I am a terrible pack-rat.

I am less of a pack-rat than I used to be.

Although I am sentimental, I can also let things go. I have learned to lose things and cope.

I exaggerate AND procrastinate.

I’m bad at paperwork and other red-tapey things.

I want to make/see the people around me happy.

I have survived horrible things and still am not bitter, cynical or jaded.

I can think of at least 100 things that I like about myself!!! :D

MAKE A LIST! Send it to me, if you want to!

Much love,

*art = visual, photog, film, music, dance, etc. – all to me.

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