Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I know that I haven't been much of a blogger lately - and I apologize. I predicted that I would be 10 times busier once I left the libob, and my prediction was completely spot-on. It's nice to have a life full of variety and options, but at the end of the day (well, actually at the beginning...) I realize that a large majority of my variety and options have to center around paying the bills - after all, that was the point of jumping off - to make my art and hobbies work for me. I've taken several big steps in that direction, and am planning and plotting all the while on how to keep it up, but small steps get you closer to the goal, too - right? So, with Stewart's help (THANKS, STEWART!), I have finally (he thought we needed to do it before 'Con) added a Cafe Press store to my page! I don't blame anyone for not noticing that new little button in the sidebar of my page. It's been a loooong time since I updated *sigh*. But we just added it a couple of days ago - the little picture of the dollar bills with wings.. yep, that's it. The link to my SDO store! I've only put a few products in so far - though there are LOTS of fun things to come - and due to the fairly steep prices that Cafe Press charges, I am keeping my profit markup as low as possible. I've only added +3.00$ or less to each item, so that if any of you are kind enough to support me, my art and silliness, you won't be gouged TOO terribly! :)
If there is anything on my page (or in my portfolio - or in your head, and you know I could draw it for you) let me know! I will be designing an "Antisocial Butterfly" shirt - I'll probably be the first to buy one - as you can tell from SDO, I've always wanted one... I'll also be adding "I need a !@#$ Day Off" items, a printed book of my comics and art, and a VERY special article of ladies' underwear, along with other fun, festive and philosophical (haha!) items. Even if you don't shop, pleeeease check out my store and let me know what you think and which items/artwork would tickle YOUR fancy.
Ok, the commercial is now over, tomorrow we'll be back to our regularly scheduled blather! :D
Much love (and a little shameless commercialism - hey, it beats "The Gap", huh? And it'll help buy Beast food! ;)

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