Monday, June 28, 2010

"We all have wings*, but some of us don't know why..."

To DeAnna and friend, I hope you found my reply to your comment in the midst of all this chemistry and grief. I decided to post this right here in case you checked in. I didn't want you to miss my heartfelt thank you note and explanation*.  To you two and ALL the angels we met along the trail, friends and strangers who helped us out and cheered us on and bought us meals and gave us comfy beds to sleep in on this first leg of the journey, thank you, bless you. This is the kind of spirit that will help us all get through the very worst of it. It's also the reason we - the human race - are worth fighting for (despite SO much evidence to the contrary sometimes). As bad as people and things can be, there is also a true sense of hope and goodness in so many, that has nothing to do with race, gender, age, religious affiliation or life style that persists and it's worth working and fighting and changing for. We saw a lot of it while we were out there. Thank you.

*You got a pair, now let 'em flap. :D
**I sometimes forget that people who don't even KNOW me might be reading this. ;)

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